Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Mesoamerican Transformation

This is a part of the historical and cultural roots of North America, where many societies flourished for more than 3,000 years, before the Spanish started to colonize the region, and areas. Unfortunately, along with the hordes of men, horses, and weapons, the Spaniards also brought all kinds of germs with them, that these people were not used to, which made them sick, and even die in numbers.

The Mesoamerica changed in two big ways, starting with the primary urban generation, which to my understanding, was one of the very first places in cultural history to transform from a place, or village, into a city. The other change was the cultural formation of the New World, which was a combination of the indigenous Mesoamerican people, like the Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs, and their descendants, with European, African and Asian settlers.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Afternoon & High Tea Through Time & Cultures

I usually get into quite a few period dramas, a lot of them or based on British history. Recently, I was got into this new series based on American history, The Gilded Age. I’ve noticed that between the 1800’s, there was a quite a bit of social teatime. This is interesting to me, I like to, and I’ve liked the idea of making social time special.

"Delectable scones, tea sandwiches, and cakes are the hallmark of an afternoon tea, which is served in midafternoon. A high tea, however, includes much more substantive fare, such as meat, fish, and egg dishes, as well as breads and desserts, and is offered in the early evening. Think of it as a light supper served with tea."

In the new period drama, based in 1881, New York, we can see two ladies discussing matters over tea with a tower like tray of sandwiches or cakes, there’s also a scene where a group of women have a meeting of tea, with a similar setup. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Pieces of the 20’s Period

Between the 20’s and 40’s, the world was changing for men and women. The twenties were dealing with the end of the first World War, and that’s just the beginning. In America is was “The Roaring Twenties”, while in Europe it was “The Golden Age” of the that decade.

Prohibition continued throughout that time, while those in organized crime turned to smuggling all types of alcohol, one name that stands out through the period is Al Capone. Speakeasies were favorite hangouts for a lot of people, even police.

Women were granted more rights, including the ability to vote, in America and Canada, but they still had to fight each and everyday to be taken seriously, throughout the world.

Mesoamerican Transformation

This is a part of the historical and cultural roots of North America, where many societies flourished for more than 3,000 years, before the ...